I am a fourth grade math and science teacher in Round Rock, Texas and have been teaching since 2017.

Archive for July 2018

Some Book Reviews

I am so nervous right now!

I just sent an email to the parents of last year’s students. I invited their student to view the first 3 book review videos I have created for them. Let me back up and explain…

I’m not much of a reader – I tend to fall asleep when reading and I always think I have something else I should be doing. It’s not that I have anything against reading, but it just feels so… passive. Well, I know that I am not setting a good example for my students with this. Also, if I can work on becoming a stronger reader, I can more closely relate to my students that struggle also. The other thing is… I’ve been preparing for first grade for most of the past 4 years. My book knowledge has mostly revolved around books for grade-level first graders, not avid fourth-grade readers. I look at the 2-inch thick books they are reading and realize that I have to step up my game.

So I asked my students to put together a list of books they recommend I read. Every student could recommend one book and I would read and review it this Summer.

I’m not sure that I’m going to finish all 24, but I am glad that I am making progress. The problem has been less about the reading and more about recording the videos! I danced around recording them for days before finally just setting up a makeshift “studio” in my office and just recording them.

Honestly, I’m not sure I will accomplish my original goals, but something about this feels right, even if it is a little clunky.

So, here they are. Please be gentle…